Picture or linear pattern of geometrical figures on a face sheet of paper grows out drawing technique with felt-tip pens.
Paints of felt-tip pens and markers form picture on a underside of paper sheet.
Geometrical patterns are a basis of phantom images on a face sheet of paper.
The image on a back surface of paper sheet grows out special techniques of drawing with felt-tip pens and markers. |
Child felt pens, art pencils, designing liners, text highlighters and to that
similar writing tools, and in a general sense different types of color felt-tip
pens and paint markers are accessories for drawing and coloring of various
surfaces. Felt-tip pens and markers in a technical sense can be very different, and can be used in various industrial and art spheres of human activity depending on applicability and characteristics. Namely manufacturers develop felt-tip pens and markers for drawing on various surfaces, and also classify own products as special for decision of different industrial and art design tasks. But in view of the fine arts if to not consider applicability and characteristics, i.e. irrespective of specifications of industrial manufacturers, it is possible to distinguish felt-tip pens and markers according to following attributes. Firstly - types of paints. Secondly - color palettes. Thirdly - sizes and shapes and designs of drawing tips, and also materials of which tips are made. Types of paints in felt-tip pens and markers depend on solvent characteristics. There can be writing tools on water or alcohol or other bases if to see inscriptions and designations of characteristics which are available on felt-tip pens and markers. But actually paint solvents cannot be authentically identified, as there are products which have paints with identical type of solvent according to characteristics in designations, but such felt-tip pens and markers can possess different art features. For example, manufacturers can specify that products have the alcohol basis, but if felt-tip pens and markers are made by different industrial companies then alcohol solvents in paints can have various art features. Therefore it is better to do assumptions on features of paints in various felt-tip pens and markers according to a smell. Namely it is possible to analyze odors of paints, and to compare known and unknown writing tools by means of sense organs. If smells are similar then art features of felt-tip pens and markers too are similar. And if a paint of any felt-tip pen has a specific smell then it is possible to assume about original colorful effects and original drawing techniques which can be realized in a context of the fine arts or artistic design. Types of writing tips of felt-tip pens and markers can have different mechanical structures, and can be made of different materials that has basic value, as in view of fine arts and design it is necessary for artists to consider strokes which can be drawn by means of those or other tools for drawing and painting. In huge industrial assortment of writing products it is possible to choose felt-tip pens and markers of different manufacturers which use different materials and make various designs of drawing tips. But products of various trade marks can be classified as the same art tools if those or other felt-tip pens and markers allow to draw identical strokes, or can be applied to realization of identical drawing techniques. Colors of felt-tip pens and markers are unpredictable. Black writing tools actually can have shades of blue or red colors which are hidden in a black dye. Paints of red writing tools can have shades of blue color which can be mixed with a green dye. Namely sets of multi-colored felt-tip pens and markers of different manufacturer's trade marks actually can be palettes of very various paints, and can be sets of other colors rather than it is specified by manufacturers. It is actually impossible to classify colors and paints of felt-tip pens and markers, and consequently it is impossible to define concrete art displays of palettes and colorful effects on a surface of graphic images or pictures. This is essential difference of drawing methods and techniques with felt-tip pens and markers from other kinds of image creation in the fine arts and graphical design. Now it is impossible to classify colors and paints of markers and felt-tip pens of various trade marks. It is not possible to practice pictorial
art by means of felt-tip pens and markers because painting is attempt to
transfer real colors of objects by means of paints, that can be reached only by
accurate mixing of color shades or hues, but mix colors of industrial drawing
tools is inexpedient. As any sets of multi-colored felt-tip pens or paint
markers possess unpredictable color palettes, and also paints are not intended
for mixing, that does not allow to search for necessary shades in view of
pictorial art. Felt-tip pens and markers can be actual for creation of abstract graphic drawings or pictures of surreal painting where industrial marker paints can be a surprising art material. As any display of color on a surface of images occurs inadvertently, namely it is impossible beforehand to expect results which can be as a result of application of those or other drawing tools, and consequently there can not be a preliminary art plan. Only it is possible to assume some sketch or outline, but process of drawing or painting of visual images by means of color felt-tip pens and paint markers in the fine arts or artistic design appears unpredictable and inexplicable, or otherwise to tell inadvertent and casual. It can be considered as abstract experiments with unknown paints and casual color shades which are possible for taking from unpredictable art materials. Methods of application of felt-tip pens and markers in the fine arts and
design can be different. Each artist can apply own methods and compare to my
drawing technique. Universal solvent is spirit or denatured alcohol which should be not less
than 80°, and it is better 96° to avoid paper deformation at dissolving and
washing paints. |
If some type of paints can not be washed out by alcohol we can use acetone
(dimethyl ketone) or other chemical solvents which have different effect on
different paints of markers and felt-tip pens of various trade marks.
It is possible to experiment and choose various assortment from huge quantity of
colors and paints of existing industrial writing tools, and also it is
possible to choose necessary chemical solvents. Sometimes as a result of
experiments there are drawings and pictures which have desirable color
combinations and compositions, and do not demand any further visual changes.
However, it is possible to continue experiments with the same picture infinitely
while the paper suffers.
As a result of paint dissolution there is a second image on paper back side,
namely paints impregnate paper sheets and are shown as inverse pictures which do
not depend on artistic desires and plans, and which can not be preliminary
foreseen, but can be successful or unsuccessful.
Quality of images on back surfaces of sheets depends on paints in felt-tip pens
and markers by which pictures on a face are drawn, but in the greater degree,
quality of images depends on grades and types of paper sheets as paints
impregnate papers of various trade marks of manufacturers differently.
It is possible to experiment and choose paper sheets of different manufacturers
and various grades from huge assortment existing now on sale. In essence the
paper in a context of fine arts and graphic design has influencing value on
results which can be achieved as a result of application different drawing
techniques with color felt-tip pens and paint markers.
Pictures on a face of sheets too can be successful or unsuccessful as a result
of dissolution by alcohol or acetone depending on types of papers of different
trade marks, as paints of various writing tools incorporate to physical
structures of paper sheets differently. Therefore it is possible to choose
different papery materials for drawing with felt-tip pens and markers. And it is
necessary to consider that any paper in the fine arts and graphic design cannot
be bad or good, but can be applied successfully or unsuccessfully.
There may be variety of experiments with a paper because there are many papery
trade marks existing today on sale.
Besides paints of felt-tip pens and markers can be erased or wiped by means of
dry wadded tampons as sometimes colorful layers are formed on a drawing surface,
and to tell more truly, stratifications of the dried or thickened paints which
have remained after partial absorption in a paper and evaporations of solvents.
Such technique of drawings allows to remove the thickened paints from a paper
surface when colorful layers have thickened not final, or the dried paints when
dry color pigments have partially penetrated into papery structures. In
particular if the thickened paint is imposed on the dried paint then as a result
of deleting by means of wadded tampons it is possible to remove the thickened
colorful layers together with dry pigments from a paper surface.
Or erasing by dry wadded tampons as drawing technique it is possible to apply
for deleting of superfluous inflows of paints from a paper surface. Namely if
you tried to draw with felt-tip pens and markers then you noticed that strokes
of writing tools are imposed each other and form ugly inflows. These inflows of
paints can be sometimes erased or wiped by means of dry cotton wool.
Sometimes there can be big enough effort which is necessary for influence on a
paper and for deleting paint inflows, but the applied efforts should have
commensuration with a paper to not peel a drawing surface.
If paper sheets have high density and good fibrous structure then very big
efforts can be applied, but nevertheless if paints were absorbed in a paper then
cannot be removed by means of dry deleting, and then dissolution by alcohol or
acetone is necessary to apply.
More often polytypic and different color paints can be wiped or erased when
multiple overlapping took place in pictures or other art works.
During such drawing technique it is possible to create interesting combinations
of the dried and thickened paints in a context of fine arts and design.
Manufacturers of writing tools and managers of paper-mills do not suspect how
their products will be used, as it is difficult to assume that artists and
painters will rub a paper with cotton wool, and will wet by alcohol or acetone.
And also it is difficult to assume that technical felt pens for drawing
inscriptions on boards of spaceships or industrial markers for inscriptions on
cases of submarines can have surprising art features in view of fine arts and
Nevertheless, trade marks of manufacturers create different types of technical
felt pens and paint markers which unexpectedly well approach for use outside of
their industrial applicability.
There are special art felt-tip pens and markers which are intended for use in the fine arts and graphical design, but in essence any industrial brands are color writing tools for drawing and painting, and consequently all brands can be used by artists and designers.
The big assortment of color felt-tip pens and paint markers results from
industrial competition. For example, if a Chinese factory tried to copy products
of a Japanese trade mark, but if engineers of China has not put any chemical
component in a paint then Chinese writing tools will have bad technical
characteristics, as can leak and soil hands. But in the art point of view such
felt-tip pens and markers are unique as can be used for creation of unique color
compositions in graphic drawings and pictures.
In a chaos of contemporary industrial competition and other trading excesses
artistic use of unknown tools for drawing or painting can be considered as
creative game in which colorful effects are inexplicable and unpredictable
during creation of graphical images or other visual art works. However, if
felt-tip pens and markers of any trade marks become known, namely if technical
characteristics and features of paints, and also palettes of colors are known to
artists or painters and designers then it is possible to draw in advance
conceived pictures and art works.
If you take into account art effects of color felt-tip pens and paint markers
you may receive previously planned art images.
In short article it is difficult to tell about all nuances of the shown
drawing technique according to which geometrical
phantom images or graphic figures in online galleries of this website
are created, but further in the further I shall try to expand and enlarge texts
of this page.
If you have own experience of drawing with felt-tip pens and markers, and also
own methods and techniques of creativity with modern painting tools in the fine
arts and design then address to me in occasion of link
Pages of my site are open for information which concerns any themes of drawing
techniques or pictorial art by means of felt-tip pens and markers.
And also themes about child creativity, or training of children and adults to
different types of painting and art graphics.