
geometrical puzzles of human language

gallery of geometrical linguistics

alphabetic mosaics or secret scripts
grammatical marks
cryptography and cryptanalysis
enciphering keys for encryptions

Geo-codes 5.

vocabulary stocks and lexical structures
acoustic and phonetic characteristics
authors and composers of poetic verses
polygons as symbols of names
linguistic geometry of words  

Word puzzles with alphabetic characters.
Look images of geometrical codes or linguistic puzzles of alphabetic characters at the left.
Answers of puzzles can be found in the end of page.
Concepts of geometrical linguistics or otherwise to tell rules of geometry of human speech are described at the right.
Rules of geometry in a context of linguistics or science of languages can be interesting to people who are interested in poetry and literature.


9a. Conundrum with words of human speech or puzzle with alphabetic characters and writing of geometrical language.
Variant A.

rules of geometry and science of languages in poetry and literature

9b. Conundrum with words of language and alphabetic characters.
Variant B.

verses or literary texts and alphabetic characters on sides of polygonal figures

10. Logic conundrum or linear puzzle of language in semantic labyrinth of words.

linear ratios of words or semantic codes of poetic cryptograms

Answers of conundrums.
9. Ecclesiastes 3.7 King James Version.
10. Psalm 29.4 New International Version.

Texts of the Bible can be found: www.bibles.net.

Bible and geometrical linguistics.
Alphabetic codes of human languages.

At construction of geometrical codes or encoding of alphabetic puzzles there can be some identical letters which are located on different sides of linguistic triangle in different points that is necessary according to rules of geometrical linguistics. As there is the rule according to which linear way of a labyrinth can not follow along a line which is transition from previous letter, that demands spatial arrangements of identical alphabetic characters or signs in different points. But identical letters can be incorporated in one point if as a result this rule is not broken, as it is possible to see in the enciphering of 12th geometrical code which is presented in two variants.
Namely two letters A are in different points of linguistic triangle or segments of alphabetic circle in the first variant, but letters A are incorporated in one point in the second variant.
And also letters A I O are in different points in the first variant, and in the second variant of this alphabetic puzzle are incorporated.
If association of identical letters breaks rules of geometrical linguistics and does not allow to read correctly sequence of words then letters of encrypting puzzles should be located on different sides of linguistic triangle. In essence only if identical letters follow successively or have one intermediate alphabetic character then can not be incorporated. Namely if identical signs of alphabet are next in sequence or are separated from each other by one letter.
Association of identical letters increases complexity of geometrical codes and as a result decoding of words become more complex and intricate, that is puzzles become more interesting and entertaining. But configurations of lines in the space of linguistic triangle change, that in some cases can cause infringements of harmonious ratios which determine beauty of phrases, or otherwise to tell beauty of geometrical figures which form ratios of words of human speech. Therefore association of letters can be justified if changes of linear configurations do not break harmonious ratios of words.
In particular if attentively to look at texts of Psalms in the Bible then it is possible to notice how phrases are unusually constructed in view point of language rules. But in view of geometrical linguistics it is possible to understand why such sequences of words are perceived as beautiful, and it is possible to explain harmony and beauty of biblical texts. And in essence it is possible to assume that Psalms of David and parables of Solomon are created according to laws of sacral geometry of human speech, and consequently words form linear configurations which are beautiful not only as visual geometrical shapes but also as acoustic images which exist in space and form harmonious spatial figures of sounds, or mental configurations of alphabetic characters in consciousness of people.
For example the linguistic puzzle: "the voice of the LORD is powerful the voice of the LORD is majestic" has row of letters "the voice of the LORD" which form the repeating cycle, namely words are read along the same lines, and as a result there is the linear figure within which semantic sense amplifies owing to repeated movement on the same lines. As a result people perceive beauty of words or otherwise to tell harmony of a phrase, that is possible to consider in a context of scientific linguistics and philology, and also in the literature and poetry. Namely according to knowledge of laws and principles of geometrical linguistics it is possible not only to perceive recurrences of words in verses and literary texts as expressive poetry, but to see and realize geometry according to which this poetic expressions are encrypted.
Rules of geometrical linguistics allow not only to perceive recurrences of words as expressive movement of poetic speech but to understand spatial structures according to which this language movement is expressed.
Many texts of the Bible are not casual, namely phrases form complex ratios of words and create interesting spatial configurations, and as a matter of fact scriptural words in biblical texts possess coordinate interrelations in linear space of geometrical matrix of human language. Or otherwise to tell that phrases in the Bible form multivariate phonetic correlations by means of geometrical cryptograms in which people can see not only acoustic accords and poetic coordination of words, but also esoteric senses and meanings.
When the beginning of gospel from John speaks "by the WORD of the LORD the heavens were made" then it is possible to realize esoteric meaning of the divine WORD whose semantic sense is expressed by repetition of LORD which is readable along the same lines of geometrical code.
Can seem this is casual combination of words, but the Bible has great variety of similar significant scripture compositions.
English translation of the Bible is not original text, but nevertheless in the English-speaking variant it is possible to see beauty and harmony of words, if to consider that translations of biblical books and different languages of mankind arose not without participation of the divine foresight.
Translations of the Bible exist in different languages of world nations, but in any case sacral words form coordinate interrelations and beautiful multivariate configurations in linear space of geometrical matrix of human speech. Namely in a context of all languages and alphabets of mankind it is possible to see surprising linear laws which exist in biblical scriptures.
When people three times repeat "amen amen amen" or the word amen in Russian language in Russian language after reading of Psalms then these words form the figure of pentagonal star in a geometrical view, as it is shown on the chart.

figure of pentagonal star or beautiful spatial words in texts of the Bible

Language of the Bible is very beautiful from the view point of geometrical linguistics and puzzles with alphabetic characters.
In some cases it is possible to see very beautiful and harmonious spatial configurations of words in books of writers or poets, but however human writing differ from divine scriptures, and consequently in most cases various literary texts or verses and poems contradict laws of linguistic beauty and harmony, and in essence human phrases form distortions of figures in linear space of geometrical matrix of mankind languages.
Unfortunately the insufficient knowledge of the English language does not allow me to illuminate this theme in detail.

Following page also shows linguistic codes and alphabetic cryptogram ciphers which can be solved as logic conundrums or crossword puzzles in newspapers and magazines, and also explanations for concepts of geometrical linguistics which allows to see symbols or philosophical meanings of words and geometry of human speech are given.


Also in this section in gallery of phantom images there is information about grammatical marks of alphabetic mosaics or secret scripts, cryptography and cryptanalysis, enciphering keys for encryptions and polygons as symbols of names, vocabulary stocks and lexical structures, acoustic and phonetic characteristics, authors and composers of poetic verses.

The information on rules of geometrical linguistics and geometry of human speech can be interesting to poets and writers, who can write verses or other literary texts according to combinations of letters or alphabetic characters on sides of linguistic triangle or other polygonal figures. In particular the Japanese poetry possess configurations or otherwise to tell poetic forms which can be represented by means of lines in space of geometrical figures.
Or poets can compose poems according to combinations not only letters but also words on sides of linguistic triangle. Namely crossings of lines in space of geometrical figures in this case can be considered as ratios of words in verses. It is possible to tell that linear ratios of words can be semantic codes or poetic cryptograms in which literary contents are enciphered.
Such poetry can be rather interesting because word orders on sides of geometrical figure of this or that poem can have one content, and crossings of lines in the field of figure can create other meanings and multiple-valued poetic senses.
And also the information on geometry of human speech and puzzles with alphabetic characters can be interesting to philologists and linguists to write scientific reports and essays or theses for doctor's degrees.
