Gallery 5.
Drawings with felt pens and markers.
Drawings in gallery are executed with multi-color felt pens and polytypic markers on a dense paper, but there can be geometrical prototypes for creation of computer graphics on screens of computers and notebooks. Namely geometrical ideas of the shown graphic drawings can be considered as prototypes of virtual arts and creation of graphic images in computer programs.
The graphic drawings shown in gallery have a
square and a circle, that similarly to Buddhist or Hindu mandalas, but key
difference consists that Hindu and Buddhist mandalas represent a square entered
in a circle, but the shown art drawings on the contrary have images of a circle
entered in a square. Accordingly the Indian and Tibetan Buddhist mandalas
symbolize a square universe within the absolute space of a perfect circle, but
the shown drawings symbolize a perfect circle and geometrical images of the
perfect human bodies within a square universe.
The gallery results texts explaining philosophical and conceptual differences of
the shown art images from philosophy of Buddhism and Hinduism.