figures of individual proportions

ratio of lines in human bodies

ideal male somatic shapes
pyramidal designs of ancient Egypt
measuring tools in fashion design
variants of human individuality
modern painting or proportional figures

Page 6.

physic parameters of body builds
patterns or models of men and women
correct corporal figures and plastic operations

ideal patterns for medical centers of plastic surgery medicine  

Individual physic shapes for plastic surgery medicine.
The sixth page speaks about individual proportions of human bodies and transformations of ideal patterns of somatic shapes in space of diheptagonal linear network, and also about geometrical ratio of body builds with parameters of psychological types in a context of Jungian analytical psychology.

The information on individual proportions of human bodies can be actual for cosmetic clinics and medical centers of plastic surgery medicine, as physic body shapes are caused not only ideal proportional patterns but also individual parameters of people.


Astrology and individual proportions of physic shapes.
Plastic surgery medicine and patterns of human body builds.

In lines of heptagonal geometrical network and other polygonal linear crossings which are derivatives from a heptagon, namely in lines of di-tri-quadra-heptagonal figures it is possible to do drawings of stencil patterns for ideal proportions of a human body, but real bodies of people differ from geometrical ideals.
Individual physic shapes and proportions of concrete people have different parameters which can be compared to transformations of geometrical figure of ideal diheptagon, that is shown on the graphical plan.

cardinal linear cross of transformation for measurments of physical shapes Line AH shows stature height, and line LD is width of a human body. These lines form a cross concerning which individual proportions of human physic shapes vary in space of diheptagonal linear network.
Crossing of lines AH and LD corresponds to the point of golden section in sizes of a human body. Namely ratio of length pieces from the center of crossing up to points H and A are equal to number 1,618 which is numerical value of golden section.
Anatomic conformity of the golden section in crossing of lines AH and LD is a navel or umbilicus.
The shown cross is basic and is connected with cardinal points of astrological circle.
Point A - MC or Midheaven or Medium Coeli - middle of a day time sky.
Point H - IC or Imum Coeli or Nadir - middle of a night sky.
Point D - DS or Descendant - western horizon.
Point L - AS or Ascendant - east horizon.

Also points of the diheptagonal network are connected to cardinal zodiacal signs and quarters of astrological circle.
L - Aries and first quarter.
H - Crab and second quarter.
D - Libra and third quarter.
A - Capricorn and fourth quarter.
Pay attention that signs of zodiac and quarters of astrological circle within the diheptagon are located clockwise, that differs from the classical arrangement in astrology.


Transformations concerning the cardinal cross of lines AH and LD, also corresponding variants of geometrical parameters of real human bodies concerning the point of golden section or the center of cardinal cross can be focused in four directions, that is shown in following graphical plans.

proportional transformations of bodies concerning the point of golden section parameters of real human bodies concerning the point of golden section

zodiacal signs of astrological circle in linear network of physical shapes variants of proportional parameters and shapes of body builds

First plan - diheptagonal network of lines and corresponding outlines of ideal pattern of a human body are increased aside IC.
Second plan - network of lines and ideal figure of a human body are reduced aside IC.
Third plan - linear network of diheptagon and physic shapes of ideal pattern are increased aside MC.
Fourth plan - linear network and physic shapes of a body build are reduced aside MC.
The shown geometrical transformations mean four variants of individual proportions of human bodies or physic shapes of body builds concerning vertical line MC/IC.
According to the shown variants of proportional parameters of physic body builds it is possible to speak about different types of personalities. Namely according to concepts of the Jungian analytical psychology it is possible to correlate increase of physical sizes aside MC to rational types, and aside IC with irrational types.
And also transformations of physical sizes aside increases or reductions of individual proportions concerning horizontal line AS/DS can be correlated to features of extraversion and introversion in view of concepts of Jungian analytical psychology.
Letter R in graphical plans means the right half of body that corresponds with DS and introversion.
Letter L means the left half of body that corresponds with AS and extraversion.
Look detail information on psychological types of personalities in a context of Jungian analytical psychology and physiognomy on pages of other website:
Transformation of individual proportions of human bodies are most obvious according to line MC/IC.
Transformations of individual physic shapes according to line DS/AS are less obvious, as this parameter of proportions is connected with relative sizes of the right and left halves of a body, that is visually difficult to see. But transformations according the line DS/AS can be seen in faces of people, and consequently if any half of a face is more then corresponding half of a body has the big size.
Offered parities of physical proportions and shapes of human bodies with psychological characteristics of personalities in a context of Jungian analytical psychology are hypotheses, as I have no significant statistical acknowledgement. But these parities can be used as authentic in view of esoteric geometry of global space. Namely the shown geometrical measurements of physic shapes or body builds are conditional formal-symbolical model which can be applied to descriptions of human personality, though statistical acknowledgement are necessary for any certain statements.
From the mathematical point of view there are 16 types of personalities which correspond to the offered formal-symbolical model of proportions and physic shapes of human body builds, that is shown in the table.

model of human body builds for types of personalities
Letters and symbols in the table have following meanings.
X - increased sizes of a body.
O - reduced sizes of a body.
AS, DS, MC, IC - cardinal points of astrological circle and diheptagonal linear network.
XO on MC/IC - rational type.
OH on MC/IC - irrational type.
XX on MC/IC - tendencies of irrationality.
OO on MC/IC - tendencies of rationality.
XO on DS/AS - introversion of personality.
OH on DS/AS - extraversion of personality.
XX on DS/AS - tendencies of introversion.
OO on DS/AS - tendencies of extraversion.


proportions of human figure First cell of the table - tendencies of irrationality and extraversion.
Proportions of human figure - equal vertical and horizontal body halves - high stature of height and wide face-to-face sizes of physic shapes.
sizes of physical figure Second cell - tendencies of rationality and introversion.
Proportions of a physical figure - equal vertical and horizontal body halves - low stature of height and narrow frontal face-to-face shapes.
proportions of somatic forms Third cell - tendencies of irrationality and introversion.
Proportions of somatic forms - equal vertical and horizontal halves of a body - high stature of height and narrow frontal sizes of physic shapes.
proportions of a body build Fourth cell - tendencies of rationality and extraversion.
Proportions of a body build - equal vertical and horizontal halves - low height and wide frontal shapes.
proportional ratios of halves Fifth cell - irrationality - tendencies of introversion.
Proportional ratios of a body - bottom half more then top - wide face-to-face size and equal horizontal halves.
halves of physical figure Sixth cell - tendencies of irrationality - introversion.
Proportions of body shapes - high height and equal sizes of vertical halves  - right half of physical figure more then left.
measurements of somatic forms Seventh cell - rationality - tendencies of introversion.
Measurements of somatic forms - top half more then bottom - wide face-to-face perspective and equal sizes of horizontal halves.
face-to-face perspective Eighth cell - tendencies of irrationality - extraversion.
Proportions of a body figure - high height and equal physical sizes of vertical halves - left half of face-to-face perspective is more then right.
individual parameters of people Ninth cell - rationality - tendencies of extraversion.
Proportions of a body constitution - top vertical half more then bottom - narrow face-to-face perspective and equal physical sizes of horizontal halves.
formal-symbolical model Tenth cell - tendencies of rationality - extraversion.
Physical measurements of a body - low height and equal sizes of vertical halves - left half of frontal perspective is more then right.
variants of individual bodies Eleventh cell - irrationality - tendencies of extraversion.
Structures of body proportions - bottom half of stature is more then top - narrow face-to-face measurements and equal sizes of horizontal corporal halves.
structures of corporal sizes Twelfth cell - tendencies of rationality - introversion.
Structures of corporal proportions - low physical height and equal sizes of vertical halves - right half of body shapes is more then left.
figures of Jungian analytical psychology Thirteenth cell - rationality - extraversion.
Sizes of body shapes - top and left halves more then bottom and right.
corrections of physical body shapes Fourteenth cell - irrationality - extraversion.
Shapes of physical constitution - bottom and left halves more then top and right.
models of cosmetic medicine and surgery Fifteenth cell - irrationality - introversion.
Structures of a body build - bottom and right halves more then top and left.
measurements of Brigs-Majers' types Sixteenth cell - rationality - introversion.
Measurements of body shapes - top and right halves more then bottom and left.

The shown variants of individual proportions of human bodies can be applied to identification of psychological types in a context of Jungian analytical psychology and Brigs-Majers' type indicator. And also these variants of human figures can be considered in cosmetic medicine and surgery if problems of plastic operations are transformations or corrections of physic body shapes.

Following page speaks about influence of astrological planets on individual proportions of human physic shapes.

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